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Top 5 Reasons to Purchase Refurbished Networking Equipment
Here are the top 5 ways that you can purchase refurbished networking equipment that provide you with increased freedom:
1. Forget That Forklift
When you use an OEM solution, you often have to call a forklift to pull almost everything out of the network. If it's time for you to do this, then you must move on. But can you imagine tying your hands and being asked to do so every few years? You can forget it! With refurbished network equipment, you can upgrade only meaningful network areas and follow your schedule. It provides you with a higher level of independence to avoid any significant IT overhaul when you don't need it. Otherwise, you will feel that this is the most beneficial to your business.
2. Maintaining Your Current Infrastructure
What better way to declare your independence than to get rid of what the manufacturer tells you? Hey, original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) are great, and everything is fine, but their information is always the same: you need the latest and the best. If your current network infrastructure can meet your business needs well, why should you start spending more unnecessary upgrades than necessary? The refurbished hardware will allow you to maintain the existing technology platform you are serving for longer. In this way, you can expand your budget.
3. Use Your Money Where You See Fit
Saving some money in your budget may be the most significant benefit of using refurbished equipment. But the real benefit is that you have the option to use the money you save for whatever money you think is best for your business. Of course, you can use it for IT infrastructure, or you can use it to replace the roof on your building that needs it. You can even use it to reduce some overhead costs that you have. The more money that you have in your pocket, the more it can be used to help your business. Just think about all of that freedom right at your fingertips.
4. Your Maintenance Will be Half the Cost
Most refurbished network hardware vendors also provide maintenance procedures to support their equipment. OEM maintenance is excellent, but it will increase costs. In many cases, you can maintain the price at the quality of the refurbished hardware, which is 50% lower than the price of the OEM version. Moreover, we have provided you with more budget funds to satisfy your free enjoyment.
5. Ensure You Have Uptime with Spares
It may be a brilliant idea to establish backup procedures in the network. Having hot, exchangeable spare parts to back up your mission-critical equipment is wise and can provide unparalleled peace of mind. The problem is that it requires more cost to implement. Well, when you consider how much money you can save on second-hand network equipment, there is no need to say more. The use of refurbished hardware makes the concept of backup programs easier to implement.